Rainbow six vegas 2 g2a
Rainbow six vegas 2 g2a

rainbow six vegas 2 g2a

New Vegas changed that a little, but at its core it could still be played as a bit of a tactical shooter if you want it to be. It also seems like a game with a bit of an identity crisis: Rainbow 6 was - in the old days - a slightly more hardcore tactical shooter. Everything seems just a lot less varied than any other Rainbow 6 game and looks like the RPG system - at least - is going to get very old very quickly.

rainbow six vegas 2 g2a

I know the game relies heavily on CQB, but the problem with many games is that having a longer barrel has seemingly no negative effect (unlike in other titles like ArmA which wouldn't allow you to poke your gun through the edge of a concrete wall) and so they've just made shorter barrel guns shoot faster. I also feel that there are issues with some of the game mechanics. I realise it's a beta TM but a lot of the bugs reported from the closed testing still aren't fixed and with just 2-3 days to go(?) until release, it's not looking like Ubisoft are going to be breaking their chain of buggy initial releases any time soon. Tried playing it tonight and it was incredibly frustrating as constant lag spikes and matchmaking delays/breakages all but ruined it for us. if the incessant matchmaking issues don't make your blood boil then the lag will. Played in the older closed beta and the open one and urgh.

Rainbow six vegas 2 g2a